Friday, 02 July 2004

If I Can't Keep My Beer Cold...

... then the terrorists have already won:

"As the July 4 holiday approaches, Bush Administration officials are bombarding the nation's police, fire, emergency and corporate-security offices with another round of terrorism warnings. Although there are no plans to raise the threat level from yellow to orange, a senior Justice Department official says, "there's very serious intelligence that's corroborated, that's multiple sourced, that indicates that al-Qaeda is intent on hitting us and hitting us hard this year." The official concedes, however, that "we don't have specific information."

Along with this now familiar general warning, the FBI has introduced the specter of a new terrorism threat: booby-trapped beer coolers. A lightly classified bulletin sent to 18,000 state and local agencies last week advised local authorities to look out for plastic-foam containers, inner tubes and other waterborne flotsam commonly seen around marinas that could be rigged to blow up on contact. Also, the bulletin warned, terrorists might attach bombs to buoys. FBI and Department of Homeland Security officials say no such devices have actually been discovered, nor is there any current intelligence that terrorists are hatching plots involving floating bombs."

Happy Fourth of July, everybody!

I'm going white water rafting in Maine this weekend, so there won't be any posts until Tuesday at the earliest. Have a great weekend, and be careful with those beers.

PS - This is a real article from Time Magazine. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

Posted by SmooveJ Zao on July 2, 2004 at 08:11 PM in War on Terra | Permalink


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