Friday, 30 July 2004

Daily Roundup

Here's some news that's worth mentioning (sort of). There are simply not enough hours in the day to write about all this crap:

  • Turban-wearing student interrogated by SS for five hours for taking pictures of his school.

  • New memo proves the EPA and it's administrator, Christie Whitman, knew that asbestos levels at Ground Zero were at a level two times what is considered safe

  • New York's governor, who approved a 38-percent pay increase for legislators a few years ago, vetoes a bill to raise the minimum wage by two dollars

  • Delta Air Lines considers adding surcharge for talking to an American customer service representative, rather than one from India.

Have a good weekend, everybody!

Posted by flow Frazao on July 30, 2004 at 03:21 AM in Random News | Permalink


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