Thursday, 29 July 2004
A Short Lesson On Bushonomics
After three years, it can finally be said that George Bush's economic platform is working precisely according to plan. The IRS released a report yesterday which goes a long way to describing the effect of Bushonomics on the average person:
The total adjusted gross income on tax returns fell 5.1 percent, to just over $6 trillion in 2002, the most recent year for which data is available, from $6.35 trillion in 2000. Because of population growth, average incomes declined even more, by 5.7 percent.
The unprecedented back-to-back declines in reported incomes was caused primarily by the combination of the big fall in the stock market and the erosion of jobs and wages in well-paying industries in the early years of the decade.
In the past, overall personal income rose from one year to the next with relentless monotony, the growth rate changing in response to fluctuations in economic activity but almost never falling.
Before the recent drop, the last time reported incomes fell for even one year was in 1953. The only other time since World War II that the I.R.S. reported an interruption in income gains was from 1947 to 1949, but that was because of changes in the tax law at the time that affected how income was reported rather than an actual fall."
So the average American's income has dropped almost 6 percent in the last few years. But at least those tax cuts are helping, right? Isn't the Bush administration getting things back on track for America?
If by "back on track" you mean record deficit then yeah, things are coming along swimmingly:
The annual summertime analysis is expected out this Friday, said several congressional aides speaking on condition of anonymity Tuesday. That would be well after the frequently ignored legal deadline of July 15.
Friday will be a day after the Democratic National Convention ends — a release date that would prevent presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., and others at the gathering from citing its figures to criticize Bush.
Some aides said they believed the projected shortfall would be close to $450 billion, though one said it would be about $420 billion.
Either way, the White House was ready to emphasize that the figure is well below the $521 billion it projected for this year last February, and tie it to improvements in the economy."
Great news!! The deficit isn't quite the half trillion dollars they thought it would be! As a matter of fact, this news is so amazingly good they're going to release it on a Friday afternoon.
So, you ask, where is all this money going? Like I said, everything's going according to plan. For example, if you're a CEO then odds are you're loving life right about now:
Bushonomics - Leave No Billionaire Behind.
Posted by SmooveJ Zao on July 29, 2004 at 10:10 AM in ReDefeat Bush | Permalink
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