Thursday, 24 June 2004
Now That We've Caught All The Terrorists
After three long years of sacrifice and hardship, our airports are finally secure:
Airports that want to replace government security screeners with privately employed workers can do so by early next summer, the Bush administration told Congress on Thursday.
Thomas Blank, assistant administrator at the Transportation Security Administration, told the Senate aviation subcommittee that airports will have three options: remain in the federal system, use a private contractor to hire and train screeners, or run the screening themselves. They can apply for a change in November.
Since we don't have to worry about terrorists, we can go back to rushing through airports and flashing our Blockbuster cards when the minimum-wage security guards ask us for ID.
September 11 really did change everything, didn't it? Thank God we've finally come to our senses.
Posted by SmooveJ Zao on June 24, 2004 at 02:12 PM in US News | Permalink
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