Wednesday, 30 June 2004

Lawmakers Ask Ashcroft Why Suspect Freed

Imagine that you were a cop and you had a guy in custody who had trained in an Afghan militia camp, provided money to convicted terrorists, and had been implicated in a plot to blow up the Holland Tunnel in New York City. Would you let him go?

Neither would I. But that's exactly what John Ashcroft did:

"AP reported June 2 that the Bush administration earlier this year set [Nabil] al-Marabh free to Syria, a country regarded as a state sponsor of terrorism, even though prosecutors in several cities sought to bring criminal cases against him and judges openly expressed concerns about al-Marabh's possible terrorist ties.

The U.S. attorney in Chicago at one point even drafted an indictment against al-Marabh and interviewed a jailhouse informant who alleged al-Marabh admitted he had been plotting to blow up a gas truck inside a New York City tunnel, according to documents reviewed by AP.

FBI and Customs agents gathered evidence al-Marabh had trained in Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s militant camps, sent money to a roommate convicted in a foiled plot to bomb a hotel and was tied to overseas financial transactions that raised red flags even before Sept. 11.

Al-Marabh "intended to martyr himself in an attack against the United States," an FBI agent wrote in a December 2002 report. A footnote in al-Marabh's deportation ruling last year added, "The FBI has been unable to rule out the possibility that al-Marabh has engaged in terrorist activity or will do so if he is not removed from the United States."

Now, both parties in Congress are starting to ask questions:
"The circumstances surrounding Nabil al-Marabh's release, detailed in a recent Associated Press story, are "of deep concern and appear to be a departure from an aggressive, proactive approach to the war on terrorism," Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, wrote Tuesday in a letter to Attorney General John Ashcroft.

"Al-Marabh was at one time No. 27 on the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) list of Most Wanted Terrorists," wrote Grassley, who leads the committee that controls federal spending and also is a member of the Judiciary Committee that oversees the Justice Department. "He appears to have links to a number of terrorists and suspected terrorists in several U.S. cities."

The Iowa Republican repeatedly cited the AP story and demanded that Ashcroft answer 19 questions about al-Marabh's case, including why the Justice Department didn't prosecute the man they had in custody for nearly two years either in a military tribunal or through a secret court proceeding that could protect intelligence information.

Grassley also asked Justice to detail what has happened to other terror suspects that appeared on the same post-Sept. 11 terrorism list as al-Marabh.

Aides to Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, have also made some preliminary inquiries into the case."

This is not a case of partisan sniping. It is a matter of national security - an area where the Bush Administration, despite their claims, has failed and continues to fail miserably.

Bush and his cronies have not only inflamed Arab hatred with an illegal, unjustified war, they've also been sending terrorists back to their homes instead of prosecuting them.

Posted by flow Frazao on June 30, 2004 at 08:25 AM in Scary Bush | Permalink


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