Friday, 25 June 2004

Bush Gives Tense Interview in Ireland

It's interesting to see Bush sit face to face with an interviewer who asks him real questions. He obviously has absolutely no idea how to deal with it so he just goes ahead and makes shit up:

Bush was asked whether he was satisfied with the level of political, economic and military support coming from European nations in Iraq.

"First of all, most of Europe supported the decision in Iraq. Really what you're talking about is France, isn't it? And they didn't agree with my decision. They did vote for the U.N. Security Council resolution. ... We just had a difference of opinion about whether, when you say something, you mean it."

Maybe if he read a newspaper once in a while he might have a clue. For those who don't remember, this was the scene in Europe during the rush to war:
From New York to Johannesburg, millions of people hit the streets last weekend in the largest collection of anti-war demonstrations since the Vietnam War. The biggest, record-breaking protests were in the countries whose governments have allied themselves with Bush: Rome (one to three million) and London (750,000 to one million).

So much for the "coalition of the willing" that Bush has promised to lead to war if the UN Security Council won't back him. The people who live under the NATO governments that are backing Bush, according to European polls, are overwhelmingly against a war without UN approval: Britain (90 percent), Italy (73 percent), Spain (90 percent), and Turkey (94 percent).

It would be funny if wasn't so frightening - Bush is simply not attached to reality. There's not much an interviewer can say to a response that's so far removed from the truth.

The interview continues on, and at one point Bush is actually forced to consider the possibility that he has not singlehandedly delivered the world from evil:

When Coleman said most Irish people thought the world was more dangerous today than before the Iraq invasion, Bush disagreed and responded, "What was it like Sept. 11th, 2001?"

Talk about a one-trick pony.

Words really don't do this interview justice. The real video link is here. If you've got the time and can bear to watch the smirking chimp, it's definitely worth checking out.

Posted by flow Frazao on June 25, 2004 at 08:23 AM in Scary Bush | Permalink


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