Monday, 03 May 2004

News From Tip of the Iceberg

Veteran journalist Sy Hersh was being interviewed by veteran media whore Wolf Blitzer yesterday. Here's an excerpt of the transcript:

BLITZER: You mentioned My Lai. A lot of our viewers
remember you broke the story of the My Lai massacre. You won a Pulitzer
Prize for your coverage during the Vietnam War.
Give us your historic perspective, what you saw, what you reported in
Vietnam, and what you're reporting now in The New Yorker magazine.
HERSH: Oh, there's no -- we're talking about in My Lai shooting people
in cold blood. We're not -- that did not happen.
BLITZER: As far as you know, no one was killed at Abu Ghraib, is that
what you're saying? HERSH: No, that's not true. There were people
killed, yes, but not by the soldiers, not by the reservists. There were
people killed -- I can tell you specifically about one case. One of the
horrible photos is a man packed in ice. You want to hear it? I'll tell
it to you.
They killed him -- either civilians, the private guards, or the CIA or
the military killed him during an interrogation. They were worried
about it. They packed him in ice. They killed him in evening. They
packed him in ice for 24 hours, put him in a body bag, and eventually
at a certain time -- don't forget, now, the prison has a lot of other
Army units about it, and they didn't want to be seen with a dead body.
So they packed him in ice until it was the appropriate time. They put
him on a trolley, like a hospital gurney, and they put a fake IV into
him, and they walked out as if he was getting an IV. Walked him out,
got him in an ambulance, drove him off, dumped the body somewhere. That
literally happened. That's one of the things I know about I haven't
written about, but I'm telling you, that's where you're at. There was
bloodshed on the other side of the... BLITZER: We heard from Dan Senor
earlier in this program, suggesting he said he didn't know of anyone
who died at Abu Ghraib prison. HERSH: I have some photographs I'll be
glad to share with him anytime he wants to know.

I have a feeling this particular rabbit hole goes far deeper than we're
being led to believe. This is extraordinarily ugly stuff and it happens
to be coming out at what might be the worst possible time in terms of
Arab sentiment towards the US. I don't know if there's any way we're
going to be able to recover from the damage that's already been done,
let alone recover from any additional atrocities that seem to be
simmering near the surface.
And by this point it goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) - the
Bush Administration has absolutely no idea how to handle this. They are
even more clueless now than they were one year ago.

Posted by flow Frazao on May 3, 2004 at 10:18 AM | Permalink


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