Tuesday, 20 April 2004
Kerry/Dems raise almost TWICE as much money as Republicans in 2004
This news makes me feel all tingly inside:
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and his Democratic allies
have raised almost twice as much money as the Bush-Cheney campaign so
far this year, according to recent government filings. The data show
that despite the fears of many Democrats, their White House nominee
likely will not be significantly hurt by his funding disparity compared
to President Bush this election year. The figures also call into
question the effectiveness of campaign-finance reform and whether it
has in fact wrung special-interest money out of politics.
Twenty-one of the largest Democratic-allied 527 groups - named after a
section of the tax code - raised nearly $57 million in the first three
months of this year, according to reports filed last week with the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and sorted by fundraising watchdog
groups such as PoliticalMoneyLine.com and the Center for Public
"Thanks to 527s, we will be outspent by the Democrats," said
Mehlman, according to a participant who took notes of the meeting.
"MoveOn.org is a huge threat and has hurt the president. Every action
makes a difference."
have raised almost twice as much money as the Bush-Cheney campaign so
far this year, according to recent government filings. The data show
that despite the fears of many Democrats, their White House nominee
likely will not be significantly hurt by his funding disparity compared
to President Bush this election year. The figures also call into
question the effectiveness of campaign-finance reform and whether it
has in fact wrung special-interest money out of politics.
Twenty-one of the largest Democratic-allied 527 groups - named after a
section of the tax code - raised nearly $57 million in the first three
months of this year, according to reports filed last week with the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and sorted by fundraising watchdog
groups such as PoliticalMoneyLine.com and the Center for Public
"Thanks to 527s, we will be outspent by the Democrats," said
Mehlman, according to a participant who took notes of the meeting.
"MoveOn.org is a huge threat and has hurt the president. Every action
makes a difference."
I love how the republicans are trying to paint themselves as the
underdogs on this one. Like there's any possible way that they can be
"outspent". These guys have had unlimited
money for the past 20 years, and they've finally met a challenger who
might be able to keep up. THAT'S what they're afraid of, nothing more
and nothing less.
Republicans know the only way they can win elections is to buy as much
face time on TV and in newspapers as they can. Running on issues is not
an option for them, because by definition the Republican party's
interests lie with a minority of people (i.e. the very rich). Their
only shot at victory comes via massive disinformation campaigns which
can only be effective against an opponent who lacks the means to
counter their lies on a broad scale.
For the first time, Democrats have coalesced around their party. Last
weekend's MoveOn.org bake sales
demonstrated structure and support on a scale that was previously known
only to the GOP.
We're not going to be able to outspend the Bush Campaign, but we might
be able to effectively counter the smear tactics the Republicans will
be employing. Let's just hope that's enough.
Posted by flow Frazao on April 20, 2004 at 02:30 PM | Permalink
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