Tuesday, 06 April 2004

Holy Shit

Oh my God:


A Pentagon source has said up to 130 US troops have been killed in fierce fighting in Iraq.

The large scale battle, described as "intense", has taken place in the town of Ar Ramadi, 20 miles west of Fallujah.

Sky News' David Chater said: "None of this is official yet - none of it is confirmed."

But he added: "It sounds very much like this is being carried out by men who are militarily trained."

Chater described the attack as "highly sophisticated".

This is an unconfirmed report, but if it's true... oh man. I don't even know what to say.

I'd also just like to take a moment to point out that while our troops have been under a coordinated attack encompassing seven Iraqi cities this is how George W. Bush spent the day:

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 6, 2004

Today's Presidential Action
President Bush visited El Dorado, Arkansas today to meet with students,
workers, business leaders, and educators. He announced a new plan to
strengthen math and science education to ensure that young Americans
are graduating with the skills they need to succeed in college and to
compete for the high-demand jobs of the 21st Century.

Posted by flow Frazao on April 6, 2004 at 05:45 PM | Permalink


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