Thursday, 18 March 2004
Speaking of Homeland Security...
Nuclear Security Training Lacking
Nuclear weapons plants have eliminated or reduced training
for guards responsible for repelling terrorist attacks, leaving the
government unable to guarantee the plants can be adequately defended,
the Energy Department's internal watchdog said.
One plant has reduced training hours by 40 percent, and some plants
conduct tactical training only in classrooms, according to a report
from the department's inspector general. Some contractors fear that
injuries among guards during training exercises could reduce bonus
payments from the government, the report said. Guards typically receive
320 hours of training. Only one of 10 plants surveyed, Hanford, Wash.,
trains guards in the basic use of a shotgun, according to the report.
None of the plants teaches guards how to rappel down buildings or
cliffs because of concerns that guards might be injured.
Posted by flow Frazao on March 18, 2004 at 04:48 PM | Permalink
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