Thursday, 25 March 2004

No Dollar Left Behind

George Bush swooped into Boston this afternoon for a quick fundraiser:

President Bush will swoop into Boston for a quick
fund-raiser this afternoon that could net his campaign $1 million and
also draw several thousand protesters, force the closure of a school,
and disrupt traffic near the Park Plaza Hotel.
The president's visit unexpectedly canceled classes for 1,425 children
at the Boston Renaissance Charter School, a K-8 institution on Stuart
Street a block away from the hotel. The Boston Public Schools system,
which provides about 30 buses to transport Renaissance students, said
it could not guarantee timely pick-up of students at dismissal time,
said Dudley Blodget, chief operating officer of the Renaissance
School's foundation. The school also feared that the 300 parents who
pick up their children would not be able to reach the school.
"It's a sad situation that you have to close off school because of a
fund-raising event," said Roger F. Harris, Renaissance headmaster.
Jonathan Palumbo, spokesman for the Boston Public Schools, said his
transportation director only found out about the visit yesterday. The
school department has few schools in the area, and they will not be
directly affected, Palumbo said, although school officials anticipate
delays at dismissal time.

Posted by flow Frazao on March 25, 2004 at 03:33 PM | Permalink


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