Wednesday, 10 March 2004

Never Forget

From yesterday's White House press gaggle:

Q In a couple days the President is going to be attending a
groundbreaking ceremony for a 9/11 memorial in Long Island. A couple of
hours after that, he's going to be at a fundraiser just a short
distance away, raising money for his campaign. Is there any concern
that the juxtaposition of those two events, the proximity, the close
proximity in both time and distance will create at least the appearance
of the President using 9/11 for political reasons? MR. McCLELLAN:
September 11th was a tragic and defining moment for our nation. And the
President is honored to accept the invitation of the Nassau County 9/11
Memorial Foundation to attend the groundbreaking of their September
11th memorial. This was an invitation that was extended to the
President in mid-February. The President is honored to accept the
invitation and pay tribute to those who tragically lost their lives on
that September day.
The President never forgets September 11th. The President remembers it
every, single day. He has met with many families over the course of the
last few years and helped to console them and grieve with them. This
President is honored to pay tribute to those who tragically lost their
lives, this Thursday. Q There's no sense that it's just even a little
bit awkward to be combining on the same afternoon a fundraiser and a
9/11 memorial -- related to criticism -- MR. McCLELLAN: Well, again,
Ken, he was invited by the Nassau County 9/11 Memorial Foundation and
he's honored to accept the invitation.
Q A couple of follow-ups on Ken's earlier line of questioning. You
mentioned that the President received this invitation for this
dedication in mid-February. When was the decision made for the
fundraiser to follow that? MR. McCLELLAN: I think the reception was
planned back in January. Q So there's no feeling at all of an image
problem in having a fundraising event after what you portray to be, and
what is, a solemn ceremony for 9/11? MR. McCLELLAN: The President was
invited to attend it. He's the President of the United States, Peter,
and he is going to honor those who tragically lost their lives and pay
tribute to them. Q I understand that, obviously. But, again, the idea
of a fundraiser right after that -- MR. McCLELLAN: He has met with many
of the families -- he has attended memorials before, and he will
continue to attend memorials -- Q I understand those are your talking
points, Scott. MR. McCLELLAN: -- for the reasons I stated. No, this is
the President's views. The President never forgets the events of
September 11th. They taught us important lessons, and he remembers
those events every single day. Q Well, forgive me, but it would also
seem like he never forgets the need for a fundraiser. MR. McCLELLAN:
Well, I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.


Posted by flow Frazao on March 10, 2004 at 10:39 AM | Permalink


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