Thursday, 18 March 2004

McCain Says Kerry Is Not Weak On Defense

What the hell is going on here?

Republican Senator John McCain is speaking up in defense of
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. McCain tells NBC he
doesn't believe that Kerry is "necessarily weak on defense" -- even
though he says they disagree on some issues. McCain serves on the
Senate Armed Services Committee and is a friend of the Massachusetts
senator. He says Kerry and President Bush should be talking about
Medicare and other issues instead of engaging in negative campaigning.

Now, don't get me wrong. I appreciate that John McCain is sticking up
for Kerry.
But where's the Democratic Party on this? Where's Bill Clinton? Where's
Al Gore? Why is the loudest pro-Kerry voice coming from a Republican
The Democrats had better get their act together fast. This is going to
be a tough election, and the GOP is nothing if not unified. The left
(and the center, for that matter) needs to coalesce around John Kerry immediately
if we're going to have a shot at beating the Rove machine in November.
We need to set aside our ideological differences and focus our energies
with laserlike precision. Getting John Kerry is the only objective that
matters at this point, and if we're going to achieve that objective
we're going to need a lot of help from the party leaders. We need to
see some high profile Democrats rallying around Kerry. Hopefully
they'll start coming out sometime soon.

Posted by flow Frazao on March 18, 2004 at 04:03 PM | Permalink


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