Wednesday, 03 March 2004
Kerry Forward
I know it's cheesy, but I'm reprinting this billmon post in it's entirety because he's absolutely right:
I'm not going to pretend I'm overwhelmed with excitement
about our presumptive Democratic nominee, but if we're going to stop
Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Rummy and the gang, we're all going to need to come together, and work hard for JFK II.
Or more to the point: we're going to need to work hard for ourselves, and for our future. For a chance to build a better America -- someday.
So give what you can give. Do what you can do. Support the Popular Front.
And remember St. Igantius's old line:
"Act as ye have faith, and faith shall be given to you."
Update 12:45 AM ET: Atrios
notes that the battle for Congress is every bit as important -- if not
more important than the presidential race. Maybe we can't give Denny
"script boy" Hastert and Tom "fascist pig" Delay the boot this year.
But we can make 'em sweat a bit.
So if the spirit moves you, you can contribute to the DCCC (for House races) or the DSCC (for Senate races.)
And if the spirit doesn't move you, just visualize Shrub,
DeLay and Bill Frist up on a podium on election night, hands raised in
triumph as they celebrate four more years of Republican hegemony.
Maybe that'll help.
Posted by flow Frazao on March 3, 2004 at 07:36 AM | Permalink
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