Wednesday, 17 March 2004

Honduran Troops to Leave Iraq This Summer

The Coalition of the Willing isn't looking so enthusiastic lately:

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) - Honduras will withdraw its 370 troops from
a Spanish-led humanitarian and peacekeeping brigade in Iraq this summer
- a previously scheduled move that coincides with Spain's planned
pullout, top Honduran officials said Tuesday.
El Salvadoran leaders, meanwhile, said they would consider keeping
their 380 troops in place beyond a summer deadline for withdrawal if
asked by the United States. That could change after Sunday's
presidential elections, however: A leftist candidate who is trailing
slightly behind the ruling party's conservative politician, has said he
would withdraw Salvadoran soldiers if he wins.

And this from Spain:
Spain's new leader intensified his criticism of the
U.S.-led occupation of Iraq on Wednesday, saying it was "turning into a
fiasco." Prime Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero also refused
to reconsider his pledge to pull his 1,300 troops out of Iraq by June
30, in a sharp break with the Bush administration.
Zapatero had signaled his dislike of President Bush's policies during
the Spanish election campaign when he said he hoped Democratic
challenger John Kerry would win in November.
The International Herald Tribune recently quoted Zapatero as saying,
"We're aligning ourselves with Kerry. Our allegiance will be for peace,
against war, no more deaths for oil, and for a dialogue between the
government of Spain and the new Kerry administration."

So, just for the record, there's at least one foreign leader who wants Kerry to win.

Posted by flow Frazao on March 17, 2004 at 12:35 PM | Permalink


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