Monday, 01 March 2004
Different Levels of Bullshit
Coca-Cola has admitted Dasani is nothing more than purified tap water:
Coca-Cola says "reverse osmosis", "a technique perfected by
Nasa to purify fluids on spacecraft", is then used to filter the water
further before minerals are added to "enhance the pure taste". Finally,
"ozone" is injected to keep the water sterile, the company says. But
water industry representatives say consumers do not need to buy Dasani
to get "excellent quality, healthy water".
Judith Snyder, brand PR manager for Dasani, confirmed "municipal" water
supplies were used but said the source was "irrelevant" because it
"doesn't affect the end result". She said: "We would never say tap
water isn't drinkable. "It's just that Dasani is as pure as water can
get - there are different levels of purity."
Posted by flow Frazao on March 1, 2004 at 08:20 PM | Permalink
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