Monday, 01 March 2004
Debate Raises Doubts For Kerry-Edwards Run
From the Washington Post:
For many weeks now, Democratic activists and party leaders
have talked openly about the attractiveness of such a ticket, and by
his performance this year, Edwards has certainly earned himself a spot
high up on Kerry's short list of possible running mates. But Democrats
watching Sunday's debate may wonder whether the chemistry between the
two men would allow that, even if practical political considerations
and pressures inside the party argue for it. Kerry allies say privately
that the senator is not a particular fan of Edwards, and a question to
Kerry about what he has learned from Edwards about how to be a more
likable candidate must have rankled the man who is in control of the
Democratic race. Kerry made no bow to Edwards's talents as a candidate
in his answer. What he learned, he said, came from the voters he has
encountered along the campaign trail. "I learned it in Iowa, and I
learned it in New Hampshire," Kerry said. "And I think the reason I've
won 18 or 20 contests so far, and I'm now campaigning hard to win
others, is that give me a living room, give me a barn, give me a VFW
hall, give me a one-on-one, and I think I can talk to anybody in this
country." CBS anchor Dan Rather then put the question to Edwards in
what he said was a Texas vernacular: "Does Senator Kerry have enough Elvis to beat George Bush?"
Edwards offered only a minimalist endorsement of his rival. "I know
John Kerry," he said. "I like him very much. And he and I have known
each other for years."
Edwards aggressively pointed out differences with his rival that Kerry
said do not really exist, challenging Kerry as someone spouting "that
same old Washington talk that people have been listening to for
decades" and questioning whether the Massachusetts senator could change
the status quo in the capital when he is a Washington insider himself.
Kerry in turn suggested that Edwards was being disingenuous on trade
and lacked the "experience and proven ability" to get things done in
Washington. "I just listened to John talk about Washington, D.C.," he
said. "Last time I looked, John ran for the United States Senate, and
he's been in the Senate for the last five years. That seems to me to be
Washington, D.C."
And that is the question on everyone's lips as we head into Super
Tuesday - Does John Kerry have enough Elvis? Is there even such a thing
as "enough Elvis?"
I submit that there is not.
Posted by flow Frazao on March 1, 2004 at 11:11 AM | Permalink
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