Thursday, 11 March 2004
Bombings in Madrid
Spanish 9/11.
Fingers are currently being pointed at Basque seperatist group ETA, but
here's an interesting snippet I noticed from the aforementioned
A top Basque politician denied the separatists
responsibility and blamed "Arab resistance." Many al-Qaida linked
terrorists were captured in, or believed to have operated out of,
Arnold Otegi, leader of Batasuna, an outlawed Basque party linked to
the armed separatist group, denied it was behind the blasts and
suggested "Arab resistance" elements were responsible, suggesting
Otegi told Radio Popular in San Sebastian that ETA always phones in warnings before it attacks. The interior minister said there was no warning before Thursday's attack.
"The modus operandi, the high number of victims and the way it was
carried out make me think, and I have a hypothesis in mind, that yes it
may have been an operative cell from the Arab resistance," Otegi said.
Otegi noted that Spain's government backed the Iraq war.
Posted by flow Frazao on March 11, 2004 at 09:56 AM | Permalink
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