Tuesday, 17 February 2004
The Downward Sprial
Now the Iraqi insurgent psychos are targeting children:
" Iraq's continuing violence took an alarming turn Monday
when an explosive device went off in a schoolyard among children at
play, killing a 7- year-old boy and wounding four others. [...]
The 2 p.m. attack came as scores of children were playing outside
during recess. Some witnesses said a small group of children were
burning a pile of trash near a wall and may have inadvertently set off
an explosive device buried in the debris. Hours after the blast, a
child's torn shoe lay atop blood-soaked sand, and the schoolyard wall
was pockmarked by shrapnel. Mustafa Mohammed Saleh, a first-grader who
liked playing soccer and marbles, died at the scene, according to his
uncle, Karim Jamel Sumeili. The family lives one block from the school.
"We all ran over when we heard the explosion, fearing for our
children," Sumeili said. "We can't point fingers yet. But all this is
the responsibility of the Americans. They said they would give us
security, but all they have given us is horror and fear."
Very, very bad news.
Posted by flow Frazao on February 17, 2004 at 01:38 PM | Permalink
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