Monday, 23 February 2004

NEA is a Terrorist Organization

According to the Secretary of Education:

WASHINGTON - Education Secretary Rod Paige called the
nation's largest teachers union a "terrorist organization" during a
private White House meeting with governors on Monday. Democratic and
Republican governors confirmed Paige's remarks about the National
Education Association. "These were the words, 'The NEA is a terrorist
organization,' " said Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle of Wisconsin. [...]
He was implying that the NEA has not been one of the organizations that
has been working with the administration to try to solve 'No Child Left
Behind,' " he said. Vermont Gov. Jim Douglas, a Republican, said of
Paige's comments: "Somebody asked him about the NEA's role and he
offered his perspective on it."

Posted by flow Frazao on February 23, 2004 at 04:02 PM | Permalink


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