Tuesday, 17 February 2004
Larry Flynt sets sights on Bush
Larry Flynt has announced he's going for the jugular on W:
Now the incorrigible Larry Flynt says he plans to market a
Bush abortion story as genuine - in a book to be published this summer
by Kensington Press.
"This story has got to come out," the wheelchair-bound Hustler magazine
honcho told the Daily News' Corky Siemaszko. "There's a lot of
hypocrisy in the White House about this whole abortion issue."
Flynt claimed that Bush arranged for the procedure in the early '70s.
"I've talked to the woman's friends," Flynt said. "I've tracked down
the doctor who did the abortion, I tracked down the Bush people who
arranged for the abortion," Flynt said. "I got the story nailed."
Flynt wouldn't disclose whether he plans to name the woman.
For what it's worth, I'll be putting my money on Larry Flynt. He might
not be a particularly upstanding citizen (pardon the pun), but when he
decides to hit someone, he doesn't mess around. When he went after
Republicans during the Clinton impeachment hearings, he nailed Bob
Livington to the wall. Flynt might be a smut-peddler, but he knows how
to find a story and back it up.
Furthermore, he's been sitting on this story for at least three years
now. I found this over at Atrios:
"...just a reminder. Flynt previously floated this story on Crossfire
back in '00, and the CNN producers flipped out, started screaming in
his ear, and the transcript was removed permanently from their website.
Here's what he said:
[ROBERT] NOVAK: Mr. Flynt, never let it be said that we
censor any of our guests here on CROSSFIRE, and you said you wanted to
talk about the election. Tell me what you wanted to say. FLYNT: Well,
during the impeachment debacle, we did an investigation which resulted
in the resignation of Bob Livingston and others and we have continued
this investigation and for eight months we've been looking into George
W. Bush's background. And we've found out in the early 1970s he was
involved in an abortion in Texas, and I just think that it's sad that
the mainstream media, who's aware of this story, won't ask him that
question when they were able to ask him the drug question without any
proof at all, and we've got all kinds of proof on this issue. NOVAK:
Well, you're...
FLYNT: You know, the guy admitted he was a drunk for 20 years, and if
the abortion issue is true then that puts him lower on the morality
scale than Bill Clinton. NOVAK: Mr. Flynt, you said if it's true and
you have no proof of that. I gather you are a very strong...
FLYNT: The hell we don't have proof.
NOVAK: Sir, I gather you're a very strong Gore supporter. Is that
correct? FLYNT: I'll vote for the lesser of the two evils. I don't like
either one of them. [BILL] PRESS: All Right, Larry Flynt, a man who
speaks his word, but we remind you they are Larry Flynt's words and not
ours. Larry Flynt, thank you very, very much for joining us. This was
followed by an online chat, in which Flynt went into greater detail:
CNN - Mr. Flynt, I would like to know how you plan to protect yourself
from a law suit by claiming to have the goods on GWBush.
Flynt: Because we have them and the truth is an absolute defense.
CNN; When and where are you going to publish information about George
W. Bush?
Flynt: When I said that we had the proof, I am referring to knowing who
the girl was, knowing who the doctor was that pereformed the abortion,
evidence from girlfriends of hers at the time, who knew about the
romance and the subsequent abortion. The young lady does not want to go
public, and without her willingness, we don't feel that we're on solid
enough legal ground to go with the story, because should she say it
never happened, then we've got a potential libel suit. But we know we
have enough evidence that we believe completely. One of the things that
interested us was that this abortion took place before Roe Vs. Wade in
1970, which made it a crime at the time. I'd just like the national
media to ask him if abortion is okay for him and his family, but not
for the rest of America. We're not looking at it as a big issue, we're
looking at it as a situation of people not being told the truth. I
think the American people have a right to know everything there is to
know about someone running for President.
Posted by flow Frazao on February 17, 2004 at 03:43 PM | Permalink
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