Friday, 20 February 2004
Is Dick Cheney Scary On Purpose?
Good article from CBS News:
Sinister. That word keeps cropping up in descriptions of
Dick Cheney's public countenance. I don't quite understand how or why
this came to pass. But I'm now suspicious that it's a plot. Maybe the
image wizards at the White House figured out that in post-9/11 America,
having a dark, secretive, powerful sorcerer behind the throne was the
perfect tactic to create awe and obedience amongst us Muggles. After
all, Dick Cheney didn't used to be Dr. Strangelove. As a congressman
and Defense Secretary, Cheney was actually a pretty fun guy. He was
open with the press, relatively spin-free for his peer group and
popular for the deadpan wisecracks issued from his famously curled
mouth. He was a Republican that Democrats liked. Republicans did too.
Posted by flow Frazao on February 20, 2004 at 11:29 AM | Permalink
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