Thursday, 26 February 2004

Get Your War On

On the eve of a House hearing on broadcast indecency, the nation's largest radio station chain suspended shock jock Howard Stern's show, saying it did not meet the company's newly revised programming standards. Stern's suspension Wednesday by Clear Channel Radio was the second time in two days that the company has acted against a disc jockey. The company on Tuesday fired the DJ known as "Bubba the Love Sponge," whose show drew a record fine of $755,000 from the Federal Communications Commission. The program aired in four Florida cities and included graphic discussions about sex and drugs "designed to pander to, titillate and shock listeners," the FCC said.
This is starting to get a little scary. Between gay marriage, Mel Gibson/Bloody Jesus worshipping, and nipple/adult radio censorship it's becoming very clear that Bush is indeed a wartime president. The only problem is that it's a culture war he's fighting. Bring it on, I say. As Bush has pointed out countless times, if there's one thing Americans will not tolerate it's people who "hate freedom", and I think it's pretty obvious who the REAL threat to freedom is. As evil as Osama bin Laden might be, at least he's not trying to fuck with the Constitution.

Posted by flow Frazao on February 26, 2004 at 09:21 AM | Permalink


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