Tuesday, 03 February 2004
From Forbes, no less
The blood is in the water, folks. Even Forbes Magazine (you know, the one where Steve Forbes, former Republican Presidential contender is Editor-in-Chief) is letting loose:
WASHINGTON, Feb 3 (Reuters) - One day after proposingI suspect that this is only the beginning. After 3 years
bigger budgets for defense and homeland security, the White House on
Tuesday released a list of the 128 programs it wants gutted, from
education equity for women to combating alcohol abuse, a problem
President George W. Bush faced himself.
of constantly belittling the media, denying press conferences, and
basically treating the Fourth Branch with utmost contempt, the worm has
This, my friends, could get very ugly.
Posted by flow Frazao on February 3, 2004 at 10:01 PM | Permalink
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