Wednesday, 25 February 2004

9/11 Panel: Rice won't appear at public hearing

Not surprisingly, Condi Rice has refused to testify at the public hearings for the 9/11 commission:

The commission investigating the September 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks said Wednesday that National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice had declined their request to testify at a public
hearing next month. "We are disappointed by this decision," commission
members said in a statement Wednesday. "We believe the nation would be
well served by the contribution she can make to public understanding of
the intelligence and policy issues being examined by the Commission."
Rice met privately with the panel on February 7. The statement also
asked President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to reconsider their
decision to be questioned only by the commission's chairman, former New
Jersey Gov. Tom Kean, a Republican, and its vice chairman, former
Indiana Rep. Lee Hamilton, a Democrat.
The statement said that Bush and Cheney "prefer not to meet with all
members of the Commission." Former President Bill Clinton and former
Vice President Al Gore have agreed to meet privately with all members
of the commission, the statement said.

So three of the most important people presiding over the single worst
intelligence failure in the history of the nation "prefer not to
Tough shit, I say. Get those duplicitous turds in front of the
commission. I want to see them sweat.

Posted by flow Frazao on February 25, 2004 at 04:08 PM | Permalink


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