Wednesday, 07 January 2004

Unelectable, My Ass!

Arianna Huffington on Howard Dean:

The folks besmirching the good doctor's Election Day
viability are the very people who have driven the Democratic Party into
irrelevance; who spearheaded the party's resounding 2002 mid-term
defeats; and who kinda, sorta, but not really disagreed with President
Bush as he led us down the path of preemptive war with Iraq,
irresponsible tax cuts and an unprecedented deficit. Dean is electable
precisely because he's making a decisive break with the spinelessness
and pussyfooting that have become the hallmark of the Democratic Party.
There is a historical parallel to Dean's candidacy, but it's not
McGovern in 1972, as the DLC-paranoiacs would like us to believe �
it's Bobby Kennedy in 1968. Like Kennedy, Dean's campaign was initially
fueled by his anti-war outrage. Like Kennedy, Dean has found himself
fighting not just to represent the Democratic Party but to remake it.
Like Kennedy, Dean is offering an alternative moral vision for America,
not just an alternative political platform. And like Kennedy, Dean has
come under withering attack from his critics for the very attributes
that his supporters find most attractive. "He could be intemperate and
impulsive... the image of wrath � his forefinger pointing, his fist
pounding his palm, his eyes ablaze." Sean Hannity on Howard Dean? No,
Theodore White on Bobby Kennedy in "The Making of the President 1968."

Posted by flow Frazao on January 7, 2004 at 01:04 PM | Permalink


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