Wednesday, 28 January 2004

Sperm whale explodes in Taiwan

Holy smokes:

A dead sperm whale being transported through Tainan City on
its way to a research station suddenly exploded yesterday, splattering
cars and shops with blood and guts. Certified by authorities as the
largest beached whale on record in Taiwan, the 17-meter 50-ton carcass
was being transported by a flat-bed trailer-truck to a special research
location after National Cheng Kung University officials and security
guards refused to allow the whale on campus.

Sadly, there are no pictures. However, I leave you with this fact o'
the day: The Sperm Whale is the state animal of Connecticut. If it's
any consolation Senator Lieberman, you're not the only dead, bloated
carcass from CT in the news this morning.

Posted by flow Frazao on January 28, 2004 at 08:43 AM | Permalink


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