Wednesday, 21 January 2004

Palestinians easily scale Israel's $1.9 billion security fence

Have they been eating retard sandwiches for lunch at the Knesset or
what? The whole wall thing has been done before. They tried it in a
city called Berlin and it sucked. It's not gonna work in Israel either, you morons:

Palestinian infiltrators have succeeded in breaching Israel's new security fence and barrier system.

Israeli security sources said Palestinian infiltrators have scaled the four-meter high concrete fence by using a simple ladder.
The Israeli project calls for the establishing of a 730-kilometer fence
at a cost of $1.9 billion. Most of the project consists of a concrete
wall or chain-link fence with sensors, cameras and military patrols.
In one case, the sources said, Arab infiltrators brought a ladder to
the fence in the northeastern West Bank. They quickly scaled the fence
and entered a waiting car that took them to Israeli Arab villages. The
infiltrators were deemed as Palestinians looking for work.

Patrol : An Israeli border guard patrols the Palestinian side of
Israel's controversial 'security' barrier, separating the West Bank
village of Abu Dis from Jerusalem. (AFP/Gali Tibbon)

Posted by flow Frazao on January 21, 2004 at 05:39 PM | Permalink


do you have a better solution?

Posted by: shimshon | Jul 16, 2004 9:49:22 AM

Funny you should ask, because I actually do.

Instead of spending 2 Billion dollars on a wall that can be scaled with a ladder, perhaps it would be a better use of money to use the money to address problems in Palestinian society.

For example, one of the main issues in Palestine right now is rampant unemployment. If the Israeli government took the money they wasted on the illegal wall and invested it in public works projects employing Palestinians, you'd have a lot fewer disgruntled Arabs in the West Bank.

Two billion dollars could also build a fair number of schools, in which you could combat the ignorance that leads children to become adults who strap on bomb vests.

My point is that it's not possible to build a wall high enough to solve the Israel/Palestine dilemma. Unless you deal with the causes directly, the problem will continue to manifest itself over and over again.

Posted by: smooveJ | Jul 16, 2004 10:42:42 AM

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