Tuesday, 27 January 2004

Flower-Power to the rescue

If this isn't the best news I've heard all week then I don't know what is:

A Danish biotech company has developed a genetically
modified flower that could help detect land mines and it hopes to have
a prototype ready for use within a few years.
"We are really excited about this, even though it's early days. It has
considerable potential," Simon Oestergaard, chief executive of
developing company Aresa Biodetection, told Reuters in an interview on
Tuesday. The genetically modified weed has been coded to change color
when its roots come in contact with nitrogen-dioxide (NO2) evaporating
from explosives buried in soil. Within three to six weeks from being
sowed over land mine infested areas the small plant, a Thale Cress,
will turn a warning red whenever close to a land mine.

Posted by flow Frazao on January 27, 2004 at 01:22 PM | Permalink


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