Friday, 09 January 2004
A quick note on Bush's immigration proposal
Bush has recently suggested giving broad new legal rights to illegal
workers. Personally, I think the migrant worker situation in this
country is a disgrace and ought to be addressed as soon as possible.
But more importantly, it amazes me that more people haven't pointed out
what's really going on here.
Karl Rove has thrown down the gauntlet with this one. It's a
frustratingly brilliant move on his part. By making this a core issue
in the election, the only Republican base that Bush will be pissing off
is the ultra-conservative faction that's going to vote for him no
matter what. The other two groups that will be affected by this policy
(not that Bush would ever actually implement
it) are the Hispanic population and the labor unions. Obviously, these
are both consistently Democratic sectors, and Dean (or whomever) will
be forced to pick which one he's going to alienate.
It would seem to me that the only angle the Dems have on this one would
be to point out that given the context of Bush's record, the
immigration proposal would be nothing but another empty promise.
Posted by flow Frazao on January 9, 2004 at 08:06 AM | Permalink
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