Thursday, 22 January 2004
100 Days in the Slammer for Janklow
Meteor blades has an excellent essay up on what's happening with Senator Janklow over at Daily Kos. Here's the first paragraph:
So the Honorable �Wild Bill� Tough-on-Crime Janklow
gets 100 days in jail for second-degree manslaughter. Plus a few
thousand dollars in fines and no driving for three years. Not even an
apology to the family of the man whose death ended this reckless,
recidivist scofflaw's political career. It�s doubtful we�ll be
hearing Republicans, Fox News or rightwing pundits crying about how
this sentence reflects a soft-hearted, criminal-coddling legal system.
Definitely worth a read:
Posted by flow Frazao on January 22, 2004 at 11:28 PM | Permalink
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