Tuesday, 09 December 2003

You can't make a justice omelette without breaking some freedom eggs

The terrorism dragnet cast after September 11 has ensnared 6,400 suspects nationwide, but has led to only a handful of convictions for plotting terrorist acts, according to a review of federal investigations released Sunday. The review found nearly 2,700 of the cases have already been concluded, yielding 879 convictions, mostly for immigration violations and other minor offenses. Only an unspecified few have been charged with crimes directly related to terrorism. Just 23 cases have led to prison sentences of five years or more, about the same number as in the two years before the attacks.
So according to this article, roughly three-tenths of one percent of those the United States has accused of terrorism have been proven to be somehow linked to terrorism. At this rate, our Homeland will be Secure in approximately 8.1 million years.

I'm feeling safer already.

Posted by flow Frazao on December 9, 2003 at 04:47 PM | Permalink


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