Friday, 05 December 2003
Video of Cincinatti cops beating a guy to death
In case you haven't seen it, here's the footage of Cincinatti police officers beating a man to death.
The links are in the sidebar on the right under the "Unedited Police
Video" section.
Be sure to watch the restaurant video too. Note that 5 minutes before
he was killed, Nathaniel Jones was dancing around the White Castle
parking lot. He seems like a pretty happy guy. Also note that there's
some time missing from the first police video - the footage of what
happened between when the cops pulled up and when Jones threw that
first punch. What happened to make that big fat guy go from dancing to
swinging? One can only imagine.
Posted by flow Frazao on December 5, 2003 at 09:52 PM | Permalink
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