Sunday, 07 December 2003
Because one fake news channel is simply not enough
And you thought Fox News had the psychotic-agenda-masquerading-as-news
market cornered:
Hoping to spend as much as it wants on next year's
elections, the National Rifle Association is looking to buy a
television or radio station and declare that it should be treated as a
news organization, exempt from spending limits in the campaign finance
law. "We're looking at bringing a court case that we're as legitimate a
media outlet as Disney or Viacom or Time-Warner," the NRA's executive
vice president, Wayne LaPierre, told The Associated Press. "Why should
they have an exclusive right to relay information to the public, and
why should not NRA be considered as legitimate a news source as they
are? That's never been explored legally," he said in an interview.
Why shouldn't the you be considered a legitimate news source? Hmmm,
let's see... maybe because YOU'RE COMPLETELY FUCKING INSANE?
Go watch this clip right now, and if you still think the NRA should be given even more power to spew their poisonous rhetoric then I'd have to say that you're completely fucking insane as well.
Click here to sign up for the NRA blacklist.
Posted by flow Frazao on December 7, 2003 at 08:06 PM | Permalink
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