Friday, 21 November 2003
Stroke leaves Sarasota woman with British accent
This sounds sort of cool:
A stroke temporarily paralyzed the 57-year-old Sarasota
County woman's right side and left her unable to talk. After months of
therapy, she recovered physically and could make guttural sounds.
But when her speaking voice finally returned, it was not her own.
Instead of the deep voice and northern accent she acquired while
growing up outside Philadelphia, Roberts spoke with what sounded like a
higher-pitched, British accent. She had no idea where the voice came
from. Doctors couldn't explain it, friends didn't understand, and
acquaintances accused her of faking it. "I thought I was losing my
mind," Roberts said.
Posted by flow Frazao on November 21, 2003 at 01:01 PM | Permalink
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