Thursday, 13 November 2003

It's democracy, not theocracy

The Alabama judge who staged a huge protest over a sculpture depicting the 10 commandments has been removed from office:

Alabama's chief justice was removed from office on Thursday
for refusing to obey a federal order to move a Ten Commandments
monument in a dispute that fueled a national debate over the place of
God in public life.
The nine members of Alabama's Court of the Judiciary unanimously voted
to remove Roy Moore, who was elected to a six-year term as the state's
top judge in 2000. "Finding no other viable alternatives, this court
hereby finds that Roy S. Moore be removed from his position as chief
justice of Alabama," said Judge William Thompson, a member of the
judicial panel. Thompson said Moore "willfully and publicly" defied a
U.S. district judge's order to move a 5,000-pound monument from public
view in the state judicial building, placing himself above the law in
doing so. Thompson also said Moore "showed no signs of contrition for
his actions."

This sounds like good news, and it is - up to a point. What bears
mentioning is that this clown is a folk hero in Alabama, and it looks
like he's gearing up for a run for public office:
"I have absolutely no regrets," Moore told about 50 supporters, some of them crying,
outside the state courthouse. "We have got to stop the hypocrisy in
this country." Moore, who has been mentioned as a possible candidate
for other Alabama statewide offices, said he had no plans except to
look for a job.

Mark my words, this guy will be Governor.

Posted by flow Frazao on November 13, 2003 at 03:23 PM | Permalink


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