Wednesday, 12 November 2003

Bush to see what a real democracy looks like

It sounds like London is not going to bow to pressure from the Bush Administration:

London police said on Wednesday there would be no special
"exclusion zones" for President Bush's visit next week and he could
easily come into contact with anti-war protesters.
"There is no intention to spare anyone's embarrassment. We have been
under no pressure to do so," said Deputy Assistant Commissioner Andy
Trotter. "There will be no exclusion zones. He (Bush) could quite
easily come into contact with demonstrators."

Also worth mentioning:
The prospect of Bush, Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister
Tony Blair, Washington's closest ally in the Iraq war, together could
present a tempting target for would-be attackers. A study on Tuesday
said London was more at risk of attack by Islamic extremists than any
other major city in Western Europe.

Posted by flow Frazao on November 12, 2003 at 04:21 PM | Permalink


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