Monday, 20 October 2003

I'm a Stupid White Guy

Yesterday I went down the street to buy flowers for my wife. So I'm
standing there and I get to talking with the guy who's selling the
flowers. Turns out he's moving back to Mali in a week or two and he's
really excited about it. He was saying the weather in Africa this time
of year is beautiful and he can't wait to get home and everything.
Really nice guy.
Anyway, we're talking for about five minutes or so about flowers and
shit, and I go to pay him. He gives me my change and shakes my hand and
says "Thank you very much. My name is Amadou".
I, being a retarded white guy immediately think (and say out loud) "Oh,
like Amadou Diallo." Fucking hell.
The guy was like, "Right right" and I walked away feeling like a total
For those of you who don't know (as if anyone's actually reading this),
Amadou Diallo was the guy the NYPD fired 41 bullets at in 1999 while he was reaching for his wallet.

Posted by flow Frazao on October 20, 2003 at 09:24 AM | Permalink


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