Friday, 16 May 2003
Guns N' Fuckin Roses
So Scott Weiland is fronting Guns N' Roses now? Jeezis. He's OK, but
he's certainly no Axl Rose. I'd like to see his skinny ass incite a
However, my GnR brethren will be thrilled to know that it looks like
Izzy's back in effect and has "chipped in" with some of the
songwriting. Apparently a bunch of people have tried out for the spot,
with Weiland beating out the likes of Courtney Love, Travis Meeks, and
Sebastian Bach. Get a load of this, though:
"Bach, who exited the touring production of Jesus Christ Superstar after a spat with producers..."Sorry,
what was that? The guy who wore an "AIDS kills fags dead" T-shirt to a
Rolling Stone cover shoot is into theater now? MmmHmm. Right. More here...
Posted by flow Frazao on May 16, 2003 at 07:33 PM | Permalink
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