> Koh Lanta vs. The Tsunami

Tsunami Water Level
The Chocolate Bar
Tong's Internet Cafe
Tong's Stereo
Thank You CD Case
Somnuk's Son
Steve from the NGO
Mr. Yabeh and Mr. Somnuk
Mr. Somnuk
Mr. Yabeh
Mr. Saksit
Mr. Saksit's Boat
Playing in the waterfall
Thai Cigarettes
Tong at the ATM
Ice Cream Man
Ice Cream Sandwich Thai-Style
Tsunami Destruction
Tsunami Devastation
Thai Breakfast
Fiona After
Fiona Before

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The Chocolate Bar

The Chocolate Bar

Here is the Chocolate Bar, Tong's bar. It was completely demolished by the waves, and he rebuilt it within three weeks of the tsunami.

However, he ran out of money and couldn't afford to finish it.
