> Angkor Wat

First Look
Sanskrit Inscriptions
Bomb Crater
Ta Prom
Dizzying Descent
Poor Fiona
Inappropriate Footwear
More Monkeys
Baby Monkey
Enough Is Enough
Little Guy
We No Longer Need Weapons
Landmine Museum
Baby Monkey Attack!
Nap Time
Bridge to Angkor Thom
Tuk Tuk Driver
Approach to Angkor Wat
Dr. Fiona
Dope Monk
Sleepy Monkeys
Khmer Kiss

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Sleepy Monkeys

Sleepy Monkeys

After a while Fiona got sick of sitting on the bomb chair and gave me the monkeys to hold for a while. While they slept curled up on my lap they were sucking on each other's ears. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I gave them back to Fiona about twenty minutes later, and they peed on her as soon as she put them into her lap. As I write this she's walking around Siem Riep with dry monkey pee on her skirt.

What a country.
