Obviously, when you're planning a road trip, the single most important thing is music. Your car can be completely messed up, but as long as you have some decent sounds to listen to then it doesn't matter if you break down in the middle of nowhere.
I spent about three days carefully choosing music and burning them onto about 20 different CDs. I had everything from Miles to the Beastie Boys to Powerlunch.
Then we went out to buy some food.
Stupidly, I left my ziploc bag of CDs outside on the table. I figured Barney would guard them - especially since he was tired out from humping my leg for about an hour straight. But no. When I got back from the shop my CDs were strewn all over the grass. Many of them had huge chunks bitten off the sides.
Luckily, I managed to save most of them, but we headed off across the Nullarbor in a Paul's Boutique-less state.